Tuesday 18 February 2014

Day 6 - dresses, schools and Waterloo Health Centre

Tuesday: written by the staff!

Well 18th February is a national holiday - so we didn't get the chance to teach today, but the girls still met some children from Nelson Mandela with Mr Power and Miss Smith. They socialised made new friendships, danced and shared their experiences about the differences in their culture. Mr Power met some of the children who would be receiving assistance with their school fees during the next year.

Before that, the girls and staff received their African dresses! The photo says it all- different material, different designs and the delight in the gorgeous colours. We are expecting that a few will be shown in the Sierra Leone Assembly (allegedly they are being worn for the flight home).

We also went to see the local health centre which included a maternity ward (which we couldn't go in as someone was giving birth!), but we saw how they looked after both expectant mothers and ones who had recently given birth. Again a bit challenging emotionally as it wasn't a bit like the clinics in the UK, but pleased we could at least give them some needed pain killers (donated by our staff) and surgical gloves (donated by The Waterloo Partnership UK). They delight and gratitude shown was humbling.

On our way home, one of the drivers, Abu, took us to see his family and home which was local to the hotel in Freetown. He was so proud to show them to us and thrilled that his family could see us, especially as we have shared so much in the 1 to 2 hour journeys we have had both ways each day (for example singing the hits from High School Musical along with the radio as well as our breakfast bars and water).

This could be the last post - as head out of Freetown tomorrow evening to cross the Sierra Leone River and an early morning flight to London. 

There were plenty of tears today and tomorrow's farewells will be hard.

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